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★★★★★ Excellent 2454
★★★★☆ Good 260
★★★☆☆ Medium 63
★★☆☆☆ Poor 11
★☆☆☆☆ Terrible 22
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2 years ago
2 months ago
A quality product that also tastes great!
I immediately see the difference during the day if I accidentally forget to take my morning ration!
10 years ago
Transfer of Comment posted on 10/09/2013 at 4:51 p.m.
In salam aleykoum I received the hadramaout honey in 2 days and the honey is magnificent, the taste is incomparable, I have never tasted honey like this, I am satisfied
5 years ago
Quick delivery Very happy with my order and thank you
Quick delivery
Very happy with my order and thank you very much for the little gift, the little bottle of musk, it smells really good.
I recommend you
5 years ago
Really meets what I expected. Lathers well, the hair is very pleasant with a clean and healthy impression