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★★★★★ Excellent 2449
★★★★☆ Good 260
★★★☆☆ Medium 63
★★☆☆☆ Poor 11
★☆☆☆☆ Terrible 22
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3 years ago
Pronounced sweet taste in my case.
Satisfied all the same
3 years ago
7 years ago
Completely Ineffective
Salam alaykoum, I received the seeds very quickly in 3 days. At first I was apprehensive given the toxicity of the seed. Then I took the plunge and took it while I ate. My throat started to burn for several hours. After an hour I threw up my entire meal...and then nothing. Still constipated. Apart from the fact that the djins started to scream and then laugh, the witchcraft is still there in my rotting stomach. In the end, a few inconveniences for nothing. I advise against it, move on. Not effective for everyone.